Sunday, January 11, 2009

TIME keeps on ticking...

Well we haven't been the most productive since Christmas. However, I've tried to devote a little time time making this video. Some photo's are when my cousin Kiera came out from Indy earlier in the pregnancy (you can tell because they are the really nice photo's). We also set up a the camera to take 1 shot every 5 minutes while Janessa was in labor. (I did edit out a few photo's). But anyways we hope you enjoy this side of the lense of labor.


Spillane Creative said...

That was the coolest thing I have ever seen! WOW Ness, I forgot you were in labor that long... You must of had a lot of photos. I can't wait to see you guys again soon. I will let you know when I head out next.
love hil

MKTaylor said...

Love the video... brought tears to my eyes. I think I am still completely in awe that God lets us be a part of bringing life into this world! She is beautiful!