Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bear awaking from hibernation

It's been awhile, but somebody has been keeping us pretty busy around here. She insists on being held most of the time, prohibiting us from getting anything else accomplished around here. John has class three nights a week right now, plus an occassional study group. Which means that I am home with little Delcia alone most of the time, which can get a bit exhausting. She did eliminate her 1:00am feeding this week and now sleeps from 11:00-3:00am and agian until 6:30, which has been very nice and I can only hope it continues.
On the weekends, John is more than happy to hold his baby girl as much as possible and change and feed her. John and Delcia took full advantage of the "cry room" at church this morning while I sat and enjoyed Pastor Troy's message. Bridger and Paisley have also been helpful keeping an eye on her while I take a brief shower in the mornings. When John asked what I wanted to do this weekend I replied, "I want to take a really long shower and shave my legs." The small luxeries of being a mom! Besides John being super busy and a bit stressed out, things have been going quite well around here and we are enjoying little Delcia, even when she cries so hard that her face turns purple. Oh, and it's finally snowing here after a long dry season and a week long inversion.

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Spillane Creative said...

OH I have been longing for an update! Glad to hear you are finally getting some rest. I love the picture with Bridger, Paisley and Delcia. I can't wait til I see you all again!

love hil

Anonymous said...

I totally remember those 2-minute showers with Ella in her bouncy seat on the bathroom floor screaming her tiny little head off. A nice, long, quiet shower (long enough to actually shave!) is one of those luxuries you never realize you'd miss until you're a mom. :)


Anonymous said...

I totally remember those 2-minute showers with Ella in her bouncy seat on the bathroom floor screaming her tiny little head off. A nice, long, quiet shower (long enough to actually shave!) is one of those luxuries you never realize you'd miss until you're a mom. :)


Anonymous said...

(I don't know why that posted twice!)