Friday, May 29, 2009

Wild Thing

Nothing like a nice cold beer after a long, hot day! So everyone will agree that Delcia is a wild thing! She has acquired nick names like, "Wrestle me Elmo" and the "Rodeo Queen." This baby really does not ever stop moving! She even moves in her sleep and insists on sleeping with her legs in the air. She is rolling all over the place and is incredibly active. She loves to be entertained by anyone who will give her the attention. She will occassionally take a 20-40 min. nap only to wake up frantically, hoping that she has not missed anything. She is playing with toys and anything else that she can get a hold of and of course, putting it straight in her mouth. She is eating rice cereal- most of it ends up all over her and anything in close proximity. She is a very happy baby and loves to talk, move, play and her newest- giggle.
She was a little overstimulated at first with her new excersaucer, but now man handles the thing like a pro. Thanks cousin Grady for the hand-me-downs! It does enable me a little bit of a break! As a mom I've quickly realized there are many luxaries that are now things of the past, such as... a hot meal, a meal at all, a daily shower, shaving my legs, painting my toe nails, (anything else I might want to do for myself), and the thing I miss the most- SLEEP!

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Anonymous said...

We think she's a chip off the old block, John.
- Grandma and Grandpa Erdmann

Dana said...

We have the EXACT same photo of Ella mouthing a bottle of Sean's beer! How hilarious!