Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We are thankful that we were able to drive to Idaho and back with out incident and only a few potty breaks. As you can see Janessa is getting a little more plump to rival Santa for the holidays. We had a great time sharing Thanksgiving with some of her family up in Idaho. We all noticed Ness's cute stomach that jiggled when she laughed. We had plenty to eat and lots of entertainment between all the grand kids and uncle Chris of course. We went on a family excursion to hunt for a Christmas tree for Jenny and Chris. The dogs probably enjoyed the romp through the snow more than anyone else but we all had a great time and found the perfect tree. Some of us went to the pool while others saw a movie and John and Chris even got some fishing in.
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1 comment:

Spillane Creative said...

Ness, you look like you are ready to pop! Bring on the baby!