Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Well, we barely made it home from Thanksgiving before Janessa decided we needed to get our Christmas tree. I guess helping Jenny and Chris and Grady pick out their's didn't help the matter. I held her off for a day delaying the inevitable and so she spent tuesday decorating the tree we picked out Monday night. I guess it's best to get that out of the way, since we don't know when we'll be heading to the hospital (it could be anyday, though Janessa isn't showing signs yet!). Hope you all are enjoying the impending holiday season. Godspeed.
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Spillane Creative said...

It's beautiful. And good thing cause once that little girl comes I am sure you won't want to do anything. I knew you guys were in Driggs, but I was only in Rexburg the day of thanksgiving and then we left the next morning. My brother just had surgery on his ACL. So we had to head back home.

I saw the rad picture of your fish and Jake praying (classic) on Chris' facebook. One of these days I'll get out again. Hopefully Johnny and I will be able to pop by while we are in town to meet the little one. We are in town the 19-23.

Chris "Jigidy" Jensen said...

Nice shot of the tree, I have been meaning to take a photo of our tree. It looks great.